DHEF-20-A (8092533) adaptive shape gripp

Item number:


size 20
Ausführung For­m­greifkappe Stan­dard
Stroke [mm] 66
Min. di­am­e­ter to be gripped [mm] 12
Max. di­am­e­ter to be gripped [mm] 38
in­stal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­trary
Prin­ci­ple of op­er­a­tion dou­ble act­ing
Grip­per func­tion Adap­tiv
Con­struc­tion set up zwangs­geführter Be­we­gungsablauf,
Guide Base guide
Po­si­tion de­tec­tion For prox­im­ity switch
Op­er­at­ing pres­sure ac­tu­a­tor [bar] 1 to 8
Be­trieb­s­druck Kappe [bar] 0,07 bis 0,1
Berst­druck Kappe [bar] 0,3
Max. work­ing fre­quency grip­per [Hz] 1
Re­trac­tion time [ms] 290
Ex­ten­sion time [ms] 270
Op­er­at­ing medium Com­pressed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4]
In­for­ma­tion about op­er­at­ing and con­trol medium Oiled op­er­a­tion not pos­si­ble
Cor­ro­sion re­sis­tant class KBK 2 - mod­er­ate cor­ro­sion stress
am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture [°C] 0 to 60
Mass in­er­tia [kg/cm²] 1,29
Guide­line pay­load [KGM] 1
Prod­uct weight [g] 475
Fas­ten­ing type nach ISO 9409
Pneu­matic con­nec­tion M5
Ma­te­r­ial in­for­ma­tion LABS con­tain­ing ma­te­ri­als in­cluded,
RoHs com­pli­ant
Cap ma­te­r­ial VMQ (Sil­i­cone)
Hous­ing ma­te­r­ial An­odised alu­minium
Further information on OT-FESTO085544
Weight 475 g / pcs
Customs duty number 84799070
Manufacturer Festo

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
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