Stainless steel tube, seamless, 25x2,5mm, 1.4541

Item number:

HR 25X2,5 ES4A

Item description
1.4301 / 1.4541 / 1.4571, heat treated (mat, or blank tempered**), all tubes are 100% eddy current tested below 80 bar pressure, Tolerances according to DIN EN ISO 1127 D4/T3 (>42 mm D3/T3)

Manufacturer lengths:
6 m ±1 m

When ordering, please state shipping length! Packaging service: max 2 m, overnight express: max. 3 m, freight: max 6m
Pipe diameter (outer) [mm] 25
Wall thickness [mm] 2,5
Material 1.4541
Operating pressure*** [bar] -1 to 276
Further information on HR25X2,5ES4A
Weight 1,4 kg / m
Packing unit 6 m (may vary due to manufacturing tolerances in the range 5 - 7 m)
Customs duty number 73044100
*standard delivery program, **depends on the diameter and the current market situation, ***the operating pressures are given for 1.4301 and calculated following DIN 2413, validity range I, at 20°C

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available